Last March 22, 2013 marked my last day in COLLEGE. I'm finally all set and ready for the "real-world". After 18 years of studying, I'm finally came to the point where everything paid off. 18 years is not a joke. It is a very long process wherein I have to know these, know those, spell these words, add these, solve problems and find ex-es. It is strange because only few of what you learned on those 18 years are really essential. When I work, I don't need to recite all the elements just to get the job I want, or solve a very complicated math problem when I teach preschool students. Nevertheless, I'm happy I graduated exactly after 4 years of college and I'm glad you can now call me (officially), Teacher Sarah.
The following pictures are during our baccalaureate mass which is scheduled on the same day as our graduation. Smart idea? Not really. This day is very hectic plus the rain also added. Imagine right after the mass we have to go to the salon then go back to school for the 3PM assembly.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Hi! I'm Teacher Sarah of Batch 2013!
With our block representative, Ron! There are times when I get pissed at her especially when she doesn't inform us on the activities that are coming but nevertheless, you're deeply appreciated!
With Ivan, (used to be) one of my closest friend. Heehee. We've been through a lot, literally but still, I consider her as a good friend and I know, she'll be forever remembered.
With Ays, one of my bestfriends since highschool. I'm glad we went to the same college! Not need to be clingy that much! Haha! Stay forever pretty and I know you'll be able to reach your dreams!
With Alyana / Yana, one of my highschool barkada. Know that I'm so proud of everything you've achieved!!
And lastly, my companion for my (almost) whole college life, Audrey, Cha and Karissa Thank you for the very fun fun fun memories and crazyyyy experiences we've been through! College won't be as fun if I haven't met you.
The following pictures are during the graduation program already:
Okay, just to show you my graduation dress not my fats! Simple, just the way I like it.
And of course, the highlight of every graduation.. the getting of the diplomas! I'm so happy, can't you see? I did not receive any award but it is fine, at least, I graduated from a good school and on time.
After the graduation! Haha, I received two bouquets of flowers which I really love. I feel extra special and pretty whenever I receive one (how much more if two!)! Thank you!! Made me kilig.
With Ms. Yogore, my thesis adviser; Dr. dela Rama, the Education Department head and Sir Ortanez, one of the terror profs in Education Department. Nothing feels more happier than getting through THESIS and all the major subjects of our course!! :D
And of course, with my parents! I owe everything to both of you and God. Everything I do, I do it for you. I know you worked hard to let me graduate in a very good school and now, it is already my turn to pay back everything you've done for me.
After, we had dinner at Choi Palace in Eastwood. Yummy Chinese food!! Now that I'm typing this, I'm craving for their prawn salad!! I swear it's the best!!
I usually love having dinner with the whole family because we get to talk a lot about almost everything! Fun night!
We wouldn't want to waste the time we're together so we strolled a little after eating!
And let me end this graduation post with pictures of me and my niece and nephew! Can't wait to work with little kids!
I'm off to reach my dream, achieve more, try new things, explore the world and get out of my comfort zone! Let's get it on!!
Hi! Goodluck sa pagiging preschool teacher mo! I also want to be a preschool teacher before but I realized I can't keep up with the children at home so pano pa kaya pag mga studyante na, right? hahahha. anyway, you look really nice naman. I know you'll do goo :D
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