Let me start by saying HELLO!! I'm back and I'm not even sure why am I writing again but anyways.. let me tell you some of the things I feel right now or maybe some of the things I learned. Trust me, I've been through a lot since the start of November.. From all sorts of relationship problems (family, friends, love) and everything in between.
1. Fix everything FIRST between you and your past before finding a new one or else you might end up breaking a person's trust. When starting a new relationship, it is best when people from both sides know EVERYTHING about each other so when the time comes you're both ready to commit, you can't say anything that is against the other. Isn't it nice to start a new relationship with all honesty?
2. Before flirting or showing your desires about someone, make sure it is real. Make sure she's the only one. No secrets, no lies.
3. As much as possible, keep it private. Don't flaunt everything over the internet especially when it is a serious topic. AND don't encourage your "friends" to comment especially when they don't know anything or everything :) Don't get them the feeling they know everything as if they know whats happening and as if they know me. The less you reveal, the more people will wonder! :)
4. Friends before anything else :) Don't let a simple argument or misunderstanding ruin years of friendship. Understanding and being open are just some of they key elements to preserve friendship. If you're real friends then NOTHING or NO ONE can break your friendship.
5. TRUST -- once broken, will always be broken. It is very hard to regain trust my dear. It is not as easy as singing the Alphabet song nor singing an opera song. It is as hard as breaking a plate and saying sorry to it. Did it go back to its original shape? No. So do you understand what I mean now?
6. Don't assume the obvious is true. Why do people easily get hurt? It is because they assume. ALWAYS know where you stand. If you want to stand anywhere else, then do something. Don't overreact.
7. Don't EXPECT too. Just because you can give someone that much doesn't mean it will be returned to you. Just because you can do that to someone doesn't mean that person can do the same for you. Give without expecting anything in return. Give because you want to.. not because you want something in return.
8. If you want something or like someone.. find a way to get it. Don't just sit there and watch everything pass by. Time's so quick. You might regret the things you didn't make while you still have the time. So go!
9. Walk the talk. DAMN IT. Words are better expressed in person. Let the people around you feel that what you're saying are ALL true. Show it, express it. Don't let your words remain JUST words.
10. Nothing worth having comes easy. Everything takes TIME. Just be patient, don't be in a hurry. Even healing from a heartache takes time.. EVERYTHING! As in everything. Also, if you think it is worth the wait then WAIT. Relax and just do what you have to do. Everything will follow.
11. Always be your BEST self. You're best in your own little way. You may not see it but you're good because you are you. Show the people the goodness in you.. and that goodness -- LET IT PREVAIL ALWAYS. Be wiser in deciding. Therefore think before you speak and act before you react.
12. Insecurity kills. I know this is very hard to avoid especially to us girls. We always find someone prettier, sexier, hotter, better, more fun to be with, wittier and etc than us. We love comparing ourselves to others which is doing NO GOOD. Make us feel there is no reason to be insecure. Make us feel that we're the best and that we're loved just the way we are. Make us feel that we're the prettiest :))
13. Take a BREAK.. Enjoy life guys! Be drunk, go somewhere else, try ice skating, do hiking, paint, drink tea, eat in a buffet, watch a movie, change your polish, cut your hair, write, sing, read a good book, shop, study a new language, visit an old friend, arrange a reunion, go swimming, talk to a stranger, help an orphanage, donate.. etc. Treat yourself! Do something you really want to to do or something you really love. Have a break and trust me, life will get better.
14. Always be thankful no matter what happens. See, you're alive and you can read this! That's one thing to be thankful for :) Be thankful for EVERYTHING -- even for the oxygen that keeps us alive, for our home where we stay in, for having friends, for studying in a good school, for EVERYTHING!!!
15. Stay humble. Let your success speak! Don't brag about everything, don't rant about anything. Just do your own thing. Do what you think is good. Remain silent when everything else fail :)
I know there are still a lot of things I want to say but I can't put them into words right now :) Just give me 5 seconds to just shout... I PASSED THE LET EXAM!!! Yehey! All for God and for my family! Maybe, that's a good way to end my November 2013 :)
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