Friday, October 5, 2012

Review: Ever Bilena's Matte Lipstick in Mauvey

I was bored one day and so I decided to read some beauty blogs that I follow here. I saw really good reviews about the local brand Ever Bilena's matte lipsticks and I saw one post that says Mauvey shade is their best seller. From Rag Dolls to Barbie DollsVanity and Everything in BetweenThe Grace CatcherI am JenniyaFilipina Make-up and Beauty Blog and Beauty on a Shoestring Budget are just SOME of the blogs I've read that gave a good review about this lipstick. After reading a lot of reviews I've decided to get one for myself! 

I'm so excited to use it! As in super excited! It's just my second time to try a nude lipstick and because of the good reviews, I got even more excited! So here's the verdict:
Ooops I can stop a typo error in the box! No worries though but I suggest they correct it as soon as possible! 

Know more about this product under the cut!

So here it is :D The packaging is okay and pretty normal, it also looks sturdy and the bottom shows the color of what's inside so you'll not have a hard time opening it just to look at its shade. So thumbs up for this! :)
Look! The tube has the brand's name on it but I read some reviews that it easily fades. I'm planning to have this tube pimped meaning I'm planning to put some pink stones on it so it'll look cute! what do you think?
Mauvey is a nude color with pink undertones! Perfect shade if you want your lips to look natural with a very super light (well that's redundant for emphases) pink color! Look, I've used this a few times already and nobody notices it! Haha!
Lipstick swatch under natural sunlight.

FACT: Yes, I have a mole on my nose! It sucks, I know. I'll have it removed as soon as possible but it is already on my to-do list.
Anyway, to my surprise, when I use it, I can't feel and can't see any difference!! Does that mean my lips' color is the same as the Mauvey shade? :( I really can't see even just a little difference! :(
Sorry I changed my position when I took the photos above so in this photo, you can see a little difference. Maybe this shade is not suitable for me. I don't even know how long it lasts because I really can't see it!!

- Cheap! Only 155php per tube!
- Matte finish! :)
- Skin tone / nude color! Perfect for natural looking days!

- No difference on my lips :(
- A bit drying so apply lip balm first prior to this.

Will I buy again? Yes, but the other shades from this line! :) Maybe Off Beat Pink.


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