Monday, December 31, 2012

Kissing 2012 goodbye!

Thank you 2012 for a great year! I learned and experienced a lot this year and I must say, this is one of my best years. I learned how to accept my mistakes, I learned how to be humble and forget about my pride (hopefully), I learned how to accept challenges and go beyond my limitations, I learned how to stand again after I fall., I learned to be open to others and share my life, I learned the true meaning of happiness and I learned to appreciate the simple things life offered and is continuously offering me.

There may be times when I'm already on the edge of giving up in life but there is this One who constantly reminds me how much He loves me and then, everything will be okay. Thank you to everyone who had been part of this great year! Thank you for all the memories and I'm looking forward for more more more great years to come!

2013, I'm so ready for you!! <3


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