Sunday, December 30, 2012

Some December gifts

Just before Christmas vacation started, we were 'employed' to Assumption College's BED to have our practicum! What a nice season to be 'employed'! It's a time of giving and unexpectedly, students were to thoughtful!

I didn't expect to receive any gift from my students because (1) we're there just last month, (2) we're not their real teachers and (3) their parents don't know us but when Christmas vacation is fast approaching, we received gifts from different students and sections. 
I felt really happy because everything was unexpected. They made me feel that I'm already a teacher! Haha, oh perks of being a teacher!
On the other hand, I also receive gifts from the people close to my loved ones!! At around 10:30PM on Christmas day, someone called me just t go out of our gate so she can give these gift to me:
First gift

Second gift
Third gift
Fourth gift
And what are the things inside? Haha... :) Of course I'll let you know!! :)
I'm really dying to have a new wallet! Wait let me be more specific.. I'm really dying to have this wallet! The fist time I saw it, I knew it is for me and it is what I really like!! 
Munz's Swiss Premium Chocolate! Whew! No time for diet during this season!! 
"Keep Calm and Go Shopping" baseball shirt which I used on my third day in Baguio recently! :)
And lastly, LIFEGUARD shirt! Yehey! All these four gifts from one person, Shardei! Thank you very much! :">
I also received another wallet from my first big brother! Thank you! :)

And a clubmaster from my sister! Wee! Too bad I wasn't able to take a picture of the other gifts I received this Christmas! Christmas fun fun fun fun!! 


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